Establishment of the first male shared living community at Ħaż-Zebbuġ, who become known as the “Internal Members”.
Establishment of the first male shared living community at Ħaż-Zebbuġ, who become known as the “Internal Members”.
Establishment of the first female shared living community at Raħal Ġdid.
The first demonstration of baby Jesus takes place at Ħamrun on the night of Christmas Eve. Members and young people carried lanterns and a statue of Baby Jesus around the streets while singing Christmas carols. This event eventually became enshrined in the Maltese culture.
Bishop Mauro Caruana canonically approves the Society as the Societas Doctrinae Christianae – Society of Christian Doctrine. In twenty five years the Society grew to a membership of 437 male and 509 female members working in 46 catechetical centres spread in around 30 parishes.
During the WWII ministry is reduced but Fr Preca takes the opportunity to write several works that were published after the war.
Fr. Preca sends six members to official establish the SDC in Melbourne, Australia – the first country outside of Malta.
The Founder blesses the first part of the Central House, on the Ħamrun side, and the Wednesday meetings for Members begin to be held there.