Saint George Preca 1880-1962

Saint George Preca and Eugene Borg (left)
Diocesan Priest and Carmelite Tertiary
Founder of the Society of Christian Doctrine in Malta 1907
Declared Saint by Benedict
3 June 2007
In his homily on the occasion of the canonisation of Fr George Preca, Pope Benedict XVI said:
Fr George Preca was “A friend of Christ and a witness of his holiness, moulded by him …, born in Valletta on the island of Malta. As a priest he dedicated himself entirely to evangelisation: through preaching, writing, catechesis, the administration of the sacraments but first and foremost through the example of his way of life. The expression from St John’s Gospel, “Verbum caro factum est” guided his soul and his every action, thus the Lord through him was able to bring a great work to fruition, the “Society of Christian Doctrine”, which aims to ensure Parishes the service of qualified, well prepared and generous catechists. A profoundly mystic and priestly soul, he gave himself over to the love of God, Jesus and the Virgin Mary. He would often repeat “My Lord God, how greatly I am indebted to you! Thank you My Lord God and Forgive Me!”. Saint George Preca may you help the Church in Malta and the entire world to be the faithful echo of Christ’s voice the Word made flesh”.