Charles Azzopardi was born in Malta on the 28 October 1930, and joined the SDC from the Marsa II Balbi Street centre. In 1957, Saint George Preca, sent Charles together with Emanuel Mifsud to help to establish the SDC centre in Adelaide in South Australia. Charles remained in Australia until 1967 when the Lord called him to go to Peru to serve the Church as a priest. He arrived in Peru after a long sea voyage and started his studies at the seminary in Arequipa. He was ordained priest in Chuquibamba on the 8 December 1970.

Charles Azzopardi at Brompton Centre in South Australia in the early 60s – far right
For many years until 1996 he gave his service in the Diocese of Chuquibamba in various parishes. At one moment he fell very sick and was near death. The high altitude was adversely affecting his heart and blood pressure. The doctors recommended that he should go and work in an area close to sea level. Consequently he was assigned to the parish of Ocoña, which is on the Pacific coast.
Throughout this time Fr Charles had been trying to found the Society wherever he was assigned as a parish priest but with little success. Every time he had a group of young promising people they had to travel to the capital to further their studies or to look for work.
Charles transferred to the Archdiocese of Lima. A year later he was assigned to be the first parish priest of the community of St Rose of Lima in a small settlement of Julio C Tello. He was greatly relieved when, in March 2003, three Members of the SDC from Malta arrived in Peru to try to begin the work and mission of the Society there. He offered them the house for our lodging and to conduct our activities.
On the 13 May 2007, in the morning, Fr Charles did not turn up, and the Members suspected the worst. He was found dead. Hundreds attended his funeral.
Father Charles was loved by all and especially by the children and the poor people whom he helped from the meagre means he had. He surely left an example for all to imitate. His lifetime vision of establishing the SDC reach in Peru finally came true – trust in God finally paid off.

Fr Carlos Azzopardi teaching at Preca Centre in Lima