Growth in holiness is a journey in community, side by side with others
Pope Francis
On the Call to Holiness in today’s World
The Preca Community in Adelaide is a faith community within the Roman Catholic Church.
We are an inclusive multicultural community which welcomes and journeys in holiness with children and youth and their families in a safe and vibrant environment.
We meet Friday from 7 pm to 9:30pm at Nazareth Senior College, 1 Hartley Road, Flinders Park.
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Our Family
The Preca family has:
Assist the Preca Community in its mission.
Companions in Mission
Called to be missionary disciples.
Committed to ongoing learning of the faith and working with the Preca Members in faith formation. Can be single or married.
Companions in mission who have shown commitment to the Preca mission over several years. Single or married.
Preca Members
Non-vowed consecrated. Do not marry to dedicate their lives to God. Work for a living. Most live with family, some live by themselves or in community. Follow a neo-monastic rule of life.
Come & See Youth
Come and See Youth is group of youth within the Preca Community for ages 12-24 years.
Come and See provides a twice-weekly opportunity to celebrate and grow in faith. There is time for recreational sports, community prayer, learning groups, celebrating birthdays, and hanging out with friends in a relaxed and safe atmosphere. Our style is simple, genuine, and gentle.
We meet Friday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm at Nazareth Senior College, 1 Hartley Rd Flinders Park.
We also meet Saturday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm at Preca Centre at 96 East St Brompton.
What we Offer
- A vibrant Catholic Faith Community with various levels of engagement
- Training for holy missionary disciples inspired by Saint George Preca
- Faith Journey for parents and adults
- Catechism classes from reception to young adults.
- RCIA in collaboration with the Sacred Heart Parish – Hindmarsh and Flinders Park
- A vocation to live a consecrated lay person according to the Preca Rule of Life.
Teens’ Liturgy
- Similar to children’s liturgy however aimed at secondary school students.
- Teens’ Liturgy is led by trained young adults from the Preca Community.
- The leader proclaims the gospel and then asks young people what the Gospel is saying to them.
- Young people can interact with the gospel by asking questions.
- The liturgy finishes off with prayer.
- All should be back in the church for the start of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
- Weekly Community meeting Fridays 7:00pm – 9:00pm at Nazareth College, 1 Hartley Road, Flinders Park
- Weekly formation for teens Saturdays 7:00pm – 9:30pm at Preca Centre Brompton
- Annual family retreats
- Training of catechists
Brief History
1907 Fr George Preca starts a group of non-vowed consecrated lay men and women in Malta, Europe.
1932 Group is officially approved by the Maltese Catholic Church.
1952 First Preca Mission in Melbourne.
1957 First Preca Mission in Adelaide.
Saint George Preca (1880-1962)
SAFE environments FOR ALL
The Preca Community values the dignity of every person. We are especially committed to ensuring the care, well-being, and protection of children and vulnerable persons in our faith communities. We endeavour to create safe environments where everyone can participate freely and without fear in sport, prayer, and learning.
The NAME of our Youth Group
From the gospel of John 1:38-39
“The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to him, “Teacher where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where he was staying, and they remained with him that day.”
Inspiration of logos
The Preca Community logo shows three seeds that are being scattered. The seed on the ground is germinating. In Luke 8:13, the seed is compared to the word of God. In Preca we are called to share God’s word.
The Come & See Youth Group logo gets its inspiration “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.” Hebrews 12:2.
Our Motto
From St George Preca’s prayer, “Divine Teacher, may the whole world follow the Gospel”.
Originally in Latin: The acrostic MUSEUM, Magister, utinam sequatur Evangelium universus mundus.
YouTube: Preca Community Channel
Shalom World TV: The Preca Family
Teach the Teacher | The Preca Family | Into the Light – YouTube
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