In September 1961, the Delegate of the Superior General in Australia at the time, Reverend Joseph Abela and four SDC Members went to Hobart, Tasmania to survey the possibility of beginning the mission of the SDC in that State. This at the request of the Archbishop of Hobart, Guilford Young. The Archbishop had already requested a copy of the SDC Constitutions and wanted to discuss the matter further before his decision.
We met the Archbishop and for two consecutive days went for a drive with him around Hobart and environs discussing further aspects of the SDC life. His questions were direct; he was taking a keen interest in the mission and work of the SDC particularly the life of the Member.
While driving along Strickland Avenue in Hobart (named after Sir G Strickland of Malta who once was a Governor of Tasmania) we referred the Archbishop to the Vow of Forgiveness which Members make daily. On hearing this, he immediately pulled the car to the side of the road, removed his hat, bowed his head on the steering wheel and said “Please come to Tasmania. If SDC Members live this way of life there must be many holy people in the Society.”
With God’s grace, the first SDC Centre in Tasmania was founded on 11 November, 1961.
Maurice Mifsud SDC Hobart