• Meditation Garden - Dar Hanin Sammaritan Santa Venera
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Founded in Malta in 1907 by St George Preca and inspired by this passage from the Letter of St Paul to Timothy: “And what you heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well.” 2 Tim 2:2, the Society of Christian Doctrine – Preca Community in Malta and its nearby island, Gozo, has established itself as a ‘guiding light’ for the Maltese people for over one hundred years.

In the early years of the SDC, the first Members agreed with enthusiasm on ‘MUSEUM’ as the name for their Society. Fr Preca changed this name into the Latin contraction M.U.S.E.U.M., Magister Utinam Sequator Evangelium Universus Mundus – “Divine Teacher, may the whole world follow the Gospel!” It was this short sentence that resides in the anima that keeps the Society of Christian Doctrine alive.

Although the reference M.U.S.E.U.M. was originally meant to be a catch-phrase in referring to the SDC, it has over the years stayed with the Maltese people.

Mission Today

Members of the SDC, both men and women are present in almost every parish in Malta and Gozo, usually in Centres of the SDC providing catechesis in sacraments, youth activities, adult groups and public conferences.

In Malta, the SDC also conducts the following:

A secondary College for boys – St Michael School – www.stmichaelschool.edu.mt

Preca Library – commercial enterprise selling religious books, multi-media and religious items.

Veritas Press – printing press and publishing house. http://www.veritaspressmalta.com/

House of the Good Samaritan – home for elderly Members.

SDC Library – a lending library with an emphasis on theological books – www.sdclibrary.org

Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal – open daily for Mass.

More recently, a state-of-the art conference centre has been built. Designed by architect, Richard England – www.ilhaninsamaritan.com

A more detailed history of the establishment of the SDC may be found in serial form in the publication The MUSEUM or e-mail to sdcpreca@optusnet.com.au for more information.

The international website of the SDC may be found at www.sdcmuseum.org